One Team, One Community, One World


Brent Kassing, TMG’s Vice President, Advisory Services also serves as the as board President for the 501(c)(3) Ray of Hope Amazon, which he founded two years ago. The organization’s consistent outreach into the jungle has benefited thousands of people.

This year, Brent has 18 people joining him on what will be his 9th trip to the region. Goods can be purchased here and will be donated to the kids, families and those with special needs. The deadline for items to be purchased is June 24th.

“Little did I know that my professional career was preparing me for this kind of work all along.  I gladly give my time to these people because it matters,” Brent Kassing, TMG.

Ray of Hope Amazon focuses on humanitarian and spiritual needs of children and families who live in remote villages along the Amazon river, specifically providing support to the families of children with special needs. Kids with special needs can often be seen as a. curse to these tribes, and often they will not receive the love and care that they need. Ray of Hope Amazon seeks out these children, providing medicine and education for the families. Without access to services and churches in these remote areas, the families lack food, medicine, toys and clothing. Brent and his volunteers are a resource for support, letting these families know that they are not forgotten.

Ray of Hope Amazon supports several feeding centers in the region to address chronic food and nutrition shortages by providing daily meals to those in need. This outreach has provided foundational support for the jungle people and their pastors.

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About Ray of Hope Amazon

Ray of Hope is a non-profit organization that seeks to transform the lives of children and families in villages scattered along the edge of the Amazon River through very practical ways. The hold Kid’s Camps in villages along the River Negro, Solimoes and Amazonas. They also provide care for special needs kids, who are considered cursed in many villages and lack the most basic care. The families in the Amazon are generally very poor, the hospital can be a few days boat ride away, and they most often do not have regular doctors and medical support around them. It is their goal to raise sufficient funds to support mission doctors who will be able to join their team on regular trips to the jungle to provide medical care and to educate the village people on how they can protect and sometimes prevent deadly infections.

Ray of Hope Address: Av. Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, Nº 5 – D-Pedro I, CEP 69040–070 Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil

Phone Contacts: 55 (92) 3673 9346 or 55 (92) 3671 5432[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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